How to Find the Best Salesforce Staffing Agency

According to Salesforce research, the CRM company will generate $1 trillion or more in revenues and create 4.2 million new positions by 2024 (source).

IT jobs are recession-proof, and most experts, including many leading Salesforce recruitment firms, expect Salesforce talent demand to continue to grow exponentially.

Yet, with such a great need for talented Salesforce people, firms Live on Salesforce may struggle to find experienced Salesforce candidates, including qualified administrators, analysts, and developers.

Finding Good Salesforce Talent: The Challenges

As a result of the pandemic, more companies are adopting cloud strategies like Salesforce, and although the pandemic impacted many job categories, technology hiring has bounced back.

As Janine Chamberlin, a senior director at LinkedIn, notes: “Technology roles have proven to be pandemic-proof as companies accelerate digital transformation and evolve their business models to respond to COVID-19” (source).

Even before the pandemic, the world faced a shortage of skilled IT personnel, and the continued demand for technology positions, especially developers, has exacerbated the situation.

Salesforce may create 4.2 million jobs by 2024, but the job market will not produce 4.2 qualified salesforce personnel. Part of the challenge is the difficultly of the famed Trailhead certification program. Many IT personnel prefer to opt for different specialties.

NewConfig of Montgomery County, PA, is a top-tier Salesforce Staffing Agency. Our experience proves: most firms can find suitable Salesforce candidates. You have to look in the right places.

Finding Good Salesforce Talent: The Solutions

When sourcing Salesforce talent, many firms try the traditional routes, like referrals, social media, and job boards, with little success. The issue isn’t necessarily the viability of these resources.

Most firms know where to look. Unfortunately, most don’t know what they’re looking for or how to search through a varied list of potential candidates.

To find what you’re looking for, you must craft a pitch-perfect job description, which includes the exact skills necessary for your unique position. For example, a Salesforce developer should have proficiency in, the Lightning App Builder, Heroku, and Fuel, in addition to any skills necessary to work on your team.

The “how” of finding qualified Salesforce candidates can be especially tricky. Yes, great candidates may be lurking on social media and job boards, but if you don’t have the right recruitment know-how, you may miss the proverbial needle in the haystack.

The Ultimate Solution: A Salesforce Staffing Agency

NewConfig is a leading Salesforce Staffing Agency. From our headquarters in Montgomery County, PA, we have helped firms worldwide source the best Salesforce talent.

We offer straightforward advice to enterprising businesses seeking Salesforce talent: If you’re having trouble finding suitable candidates, partner with a good Salesforce Recruitment Firm.

The best Salesforce Recruitment firm will have hands-on experience with both recruitment and technology. Experience is a tremendous benefit when screening and recruiting candidates for complex positions, like Salesforce Developers. Unfortunately, most Salesforce Staffing Agencies have never accessed the software before attempting to source qualified candidates.

Capable Salesforce recruitment experience is the other obvious asset of a good staffing agency. Your best partner will be a Salesforce Recruiter like NewConfig, who has cultivated relationships with Salesforce talent over years of working in the industry.

Finally, a good firm will understand your need to work quickly. Most recruitment firms struggle to balance speed with an effective recruitment process. However, companies pursuing Salesforce talent often require talent to work fast in a results-oriented environment. Why should the recruitment process be any different?

Of the many Salesforce Staffing Agencies, NewConfig is the best. To learn more, contact NewConfig today.
