According to an online analysis by Mintigo, small to mid-sized companies that use the Salesforce CRM solution are more likely to invest in sales and marketing and customer service teams. Salesforce reported the analysis on its blog, in 2014, to reveal “The DNA of Salesforce Users.”

“Companies that use Salesforce,” the report reveals, “are 4 times more likely to have sales and marketing teams.”

Likewise: “87% of companies that use Salesforce have a sales team as compared to just 24% of companies that don’t use Salesforce.”

Finally: “51% of companies with Salesforce have a dedicated customer service team as compared to just 5% of other companies.”

The “DNA report” reveals a simple truth about business today: Customer engagement is the key to success. In this environment, the Salesforce CRM tool is uniquely positioned to help small to mid-sized companies grow. In fact, in a review of the software tool, Business Weekly Daily calls Salesforce the “best overall CRM software for small businesses.”

What this emphasis on customer engagement fails to recognize, however, is the importance of implementing and developing the CRM tool correctly—a job that falls to the business analysts, developers, and business applications experts who work with the software.

As the DNA report reveals, most businesses that use Salesforce have developed a strong front-end staff to engage customers. Many of these businesses, however, lack a strong back-end infrastructure. Salesforce staffing, for these businesses, is about discovering new types of employees: the analysts, developers, and applications experts mentioned above.

Without astute IT recruitment, a business cannot discover the true power of the Salesforce platform. NewConfig is an executive staffing firm that specializes in IT recruitment. We understand the critical importance of Salesforce staffing. To learn more about our staffing services, call.
