Newsflash: Salespeople are expert exaggerators. It’s a skill they pick up on the job, selling products and services. So by default, that makes them very good interviewers—or at least on the surface. They’ll make you smile, serve you up some amazing stats and facts on a silver platter, blow your mind with incredible success stories, and paint a beautiful picture of themselves for you. But being a good interviewer is not the same thing as being a good salesperson who will bring your company to the next level.
As a hiring manager, you might have the intuition to pick up on things that might not feel right, but truly, if you want to build a quality sales team, it takes a sales headhunting firm to filter out the blatant liars and bull. At NewConfig, we’re experts at sniffing out the BS. We understand the minds of salespeople, and we possess the skills and techniques to separate the wheat from the chaff. We know what questions are effective, the psychology involved in the interview process, and how to spot all the telltale signs of minimal skill set.
Here are a few effective ways we help companies like yours separate the blatant liars from the winners with great potential.