If your company has any interaction with the cloud, you likely need an Amazon Web Services (AWS) software developer. NewConfig, an Amazon Web Services Recruitment Company, can help you find the perfect AWS developer.

In recent years, the enormous growth of cloud spending has created a new business paradigm. Cloud computing and related applications have become the new infrastructure for digital businesses. As cloud platforms improve scale, speed, and security, innovative companies are creating compelling business models that rely on cloud computing for growth.

Of the top cloud companies, including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Salesforce, Amazon Web Services (AWS) reigns supreme, accounting for 32% of total cloud market share (source), and growing by 45% in the final quarter of 2018, “with $7.4 billion in sales and almost $2.2 billion in operating income” (source).

As the cloud leader, AWS has replied to “robust competition,” as The New York Times notes, by announcing “a number of new products, including AWS Outposts, which lets companies use a single set of tools to manage data across cloud and local server.”

Now is the Time to Learn AWS Technologies

If you’re a software developer, you know every great platform needs a great developer: somebody needs to use those tools and manage that data. Now is the time to learn AWS technologies, including AWS analytics and Cloud Formation. An AWS certification will give you a solid credential in a competitive industry. Learning AWS will increase your marketability to employers and potentially land you a hefty payday—AWS certifications account for some of the top-paying IT certificates.

If you’re a hiring manager looking for AWS talent, you face the same competitive landscape. For developers opportunities may be scarce; for AWS Recruiters, qualified talent is rare. Compounding the challenge is the relative novelty of the technology. Most hiring managers do not have adequate cloud knowledge—let alone specific knowledge about AWS services. Also, too many candidates who claim AWS experience only have peripheral familiarity with the technology.  Some take an online class and claim five years of experience with it.

For AWS Recruiters, a Lousy Developer can Prove Disastrous

For AWS Recruiters, a lousy developer hire can prove disastrous, costing thousands in recruitment expenses as well as incalculable damage to your platform.

The solution for beleaguered hiring managers is a qualified Amazon Web Services Recruitment Company, like NewConfig, who can help you find skilled AWS candidates. NewConfig is the rare AWS Recruiter with hands-on experience in cloud computing and AWS.

NewConfig can help you source and hire the best AWS developers.

To learn more about our Amazon Web Services Recruitment services, contact us today.
